Tuesday, 15 February 2011

What the Cluck? / Valentine's Day Duties

Yesterday saw the triumphant return of the double team Parsley and Oregano. It was a cold day - not enough to get in the bones, but a reminder we're not yet in Spring. Mind you there was a spring in my step once I'd been woken up by Parsley singing down the phone to me: Wake up get out of bed Lots to do in the day ahead, Switch on the kettle get some tea, then abrupt as you like she screams Whadda ya doing?! I burst into laughter.
Headed over to the magic garden for around 10.30. Alan made us tea, whilst I gathered the buddleja prunings to be ground in the mega wicked Walsall 5000 grinder (my own name for it).
Last year I wrote a love letter to Buddleja / Buddleia with Stuart Mugridge. You can find the script here: http://www.slideshare.net/charlielevine/mildly-despoiling-script-for-glorious-rubble. The grinder looks like the wood chipper from Fargo...only it's much quieter. Spent ages being a dork not turning it on properly etc. But I got through it, taking the soggy chips and bunging them for the most part in the compost bins behind the dome. Cups of tea were flying about which was grand as I kept on stopping anyway, feeding the chickens seeds and talking to them. They have grown in confidence and sheen! Smethwick has grown in naughtiness.

No Buscemi in sight.

Had lunch and then Parsley and I trimmed back the holly bush / hedge so it would grow fuller. In a moment of pure hilarity Parsley whipped out her pythons and dragged a good length of bramble out of the hedge. What a vision of power! Are you aware you're in possession of dangerous weapons there madam? Cakeatonne was polishing his shield and morning star so he missed it. Had a rum time of getting all the holly in the bags, but bag we did, with a vengeance.
There was talk of hitting the allotment, as some garlic needed planting. However it started to rain so we called it off. I was done, what with bramble chopping, chicken naming (Baden Fowl is the newest), tea supping, baby amusing, JLS jewellery mocking etc.

Came home and planted my echinacea seeds in the propagator. Was happy to see the sunflowers emerging as well as the new sweet peas. Watch this space.

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